Nicholas W. Killpack

Nicholas W. Killpack
Council Member
Phone Number: 
(435) 406-1597

Currently serving in his first appointed term, from 2018 through 2019, Mr. Killpack is a Council liaison with our Library Advisory Board, as well as works with our City's Parks department. He also works with his Council colleagues on economic development issues in the City. Born to Roger and Barbara Killpack in Salt Lake City, I have been the benefactor of two parents with deep roots in West Millard County that have been active in local civic affairs.  From the time we moved home when I was four months old, Delta has been my home.  It is a point of great pride for me to say I’m from Delta and was educated in Millard County Schools. After graduation from Delta High, I started my college education at Snow College before serving an LDS Mission. I was called to the Venezuela Caracas Mission, where I served for 16 months before political issues forced the church to reassign all North American missionaries to other areas. I finished my service in the California Roseville Mission. I have enjoyed both civic and religious service, where I have been able to organize and direct activities to enrich the lives of those around me, gaining valuable experience, building treasured relationships, and growing personally in the process. Upon return from missionary service, I married Danielle Johnson of Sutherland. Together we have made homes in Ephraim, Salt Lake, and now Delta as we pursued educational and professional goals. Along the way, we have been blessed with three children: Hudson, age 4; Danny age 2; and Judd, born December 2017. Our children are the focal point of our lives, and living in Delta gives us the opportunity to give them the type of childhood we both enjoyed.