
Statistics Charts

The demographical information linked to within this page is generated and provided by the United States Census Bureau, which is a division of the United States Department of Commerce. Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution provides the authority for the United States Congress to commission the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct a decennial census every ten (10) years. Those patriotic individuals are known collectively as The Founding Fathers, had a plan to empower the people to provide for their representation in matters such as the allocation of Congressional seating, funding of government programs, and even electoral votes. In other countries and in other times, a census was often performed in order to determine how much to tax a person for his or her property and, in some cases, to confiscate property; and sometimes to force people into military service. The Founding Fathers, in our case, uniquely made a tool of our government become a tool of political empowerment for those being governed to control their government. The year was 1790, after the end of the American Revolutionary War that the first census was taken under the direction of then-Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. Through the 2010 Census, there have now been twenty-two (22) taken. In 1954, the United States Congress codified all earlier censuses and provided for within Title 13 of the U.S. Code for the decennial census hereafter.

Delta City, Millard County, State of Utah, United States of America

Fun Fact: using the 2010 U.S. Census data, Delta City, Utah comprises 0.0000110272437% or 1.10272437 x 10-5 (scientifically notated) of the nation's population.